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After Careful Consideration (hey, it worked for Netflix…)

There are times in life when we cannot control factors that influence our emotions, actions, responses, and decisions.  The key point to keeping this challenge realistic and maintaining its integrity was to stay on the budget, consume foods that were purchased with our “food stamps”, and to ensure that every aspect was recorded and reported.

Life happens, and things came up that caused us to question the integrity of this challenge. At the risk of losing credibility, I felt it better to end it rather than to mislead or provide incorrect information. 

Due to the overwhelming response here, by email and on Facebook, the challenge will continue as planned.

Since for 2 days, we did not eat as we should have (truth told, we barely at at all), we will resume the challenge effective with dinner tonight, and it will continue through dinner on November 2, 2011.

John and I can’t quit this, because as one commenter on the previous post pointed out when she expressed her disappointment, a family of low income can’t quit.  Just as we hoped to deliver a different way to think about how we eat and prepare foods with little waste, we also strive to deliver hope and due to a momentary lapse of judgment, we lost ours.

This isn’t how we intended to reveal the donation, but it’s out of the bag now.  There will be a donation made anonymously at the conclusion of this challenge, because true charity is given without the thought of “what’s in it for me?”.

We are dedicated to this challenge more than ever and for that, we owe you all a debt of sincere gratitude.

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