I’m Michael Nolan, though in the gardening and garden writing world I am best known as The Garden Rockstar. I started My Earth Garden in 2008 because more than being a gardening writer I am an avid gardener with a love for growing things. I wanted the opportunity to share that love with as many people as possible. I wanted to make gardening and simple living more accessible by living as an example of how it can be done.
What is this site about?
The original purpose of My Earth Garden was to remove some of the stigmas that are attached to gardening and to make it possible for virtually anyone, anywhere to grow something. Too many gardening websites seem to focus on people who already have tons of growing experience, and this disenfranchises would-be gardeners who lack the basic knowledge necessary to turn their thumbs green. For that reason, I am here to make a concerted effort to answer any and all garden-related questions from both beginner and expert alike.
My Earth Garden goes beyond just gardening. I wanted a place to bring you recipes, crafts and real life tips for how to get closer to the earth without giving up everything you love in the process. Living simpler should be about enriching your life, not doing without. My love for food and for teaching people how to prepare inexpensive, healthy meals from scratch is front and center on My Earth Garden and always will be.