At long last, I have finally found the time to start winter sowing the seeds for this spring’s garden. Using reclaimed jugs from a local organic juicer, the first of the seeds are now nestled into their outdoor nurseries, anxiously awaiting their time in the sun.
The first to be sown are four tomato varieties from my vintage library. I planted nine each of:
Winter sowing is the perfect solution for anyone who doesn’t have the indoor space or the time required to start seeds indoors. The entire process is very simple and doesn’t require special equipment or lighting.
In fact, once you have planted your winter sown seeds and watered them in, all you need to do is check them every week or so to see if they need water. Then just let nature take its course and in a few weeks you will have beautiful garden-ready seedlings that don’t have to be hardened off before going into the ground!
I’ll keep you update as to everything I’m winter sowing this year, and if you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below.
Are you growing tomatoes this year? If so, which ones?