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My Life School Diploma

I have returned to school, but not the way that will earn a string of cool letters at the end of my name. Instead, my way of thinking and believing in the people and the world around me has changed and I am learning more everywhere I look. There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “if you’re not learning, you’re not living.” Lately that thought has taken hold in my mind quite strongly and I can’t seem to shake it.

In nearly 40 years on this planet I’ve read a lot of holy books, listened to a lot of preachers, speakers, evangelists and assorted know-it-alls. I have studied sacred texts from every major religion. I have prayed, meditated, chanted and yes, even cursed every deity in the known world along with a few I made up for good measure.

What I have come to accept as my core truth is that life is a school in which I am both a student and a teacher.

Last night I watched a short documentary on the Amish people. I have always had a deep respect and admiration for their ardent devotion to what many see as an outdated way of life. You will find no stronger work ethic in any community around the globe, nor will you find a people more dedicated to helping their fellow man. I may not subscribe to their spiritual beliefs but in many ways they are getting it right.

From natural disasters to house fires, when tragedy strikes the Amish community immediately goes into action to restore order and bring things back to normal. Members of the community are not invited to help clean up or rebuild a barn, they show up with tools in hand, knowing that their assistance will make the work go faster.

In 2006 a lone gunman entered a schoolhouse and shot ten Amish schoolgirls killing five of them before taking his own life. After such a senseless act you might imagine that the families and community would be understandably shaken and angry, but that was far from the case. Instead of anger, this community reached out in love and compassion to the widow and family of the shooter, even setting up a charitable fund for the family and attending the funeral of the man who had killed their daughters and granddaughters.

Somewhere within me is that level of compassion and love and I have to believe that it won’t be found in the churches and scriptures I have known all my life. Forgiveness, compassion, love – these are lessons that we learn by doing, not by reading. We have to put them into practice if we are ever to understand what they mean and what they feel like.

I know I’m going to sound insane for saying so, but I have come to accept that I will not die. No, I’m not claiming superpowers or anything of the sort. I also believe that you will not die. We will graduate from this life. Life is a school and when the time comes, I want to graduate with honors. I don’t want to mourn those who have graduated before me because despite what my self-important mindset might have me believe in the moment, it was his or her time to go, just as it will be mine. Whatever the circumstances and however sad or drawn out the specifics, when we graduate it is our time to move on.

I may be thought of as an ass for saying so but I don’t wish you, myself or anyone a long life anymore. Instead I wish you a full one. I wish you happiness, strength of character and love. Whether those goals come to stay or they are with you for only part of your education here on Earth, my wish is that you experience them deeply and undeniably.

I remember my own high school graduation and how bittersweet the day was, knowing that I was about to move away to a new place and would lose touch with those people I saw five days a week for better than a year. The day came and went and we did lose touch, some forever and some only for a few years thanks to social media.

When I walk across the podium to accept my life school diploma, I’m sure I will feel some of those same feelings again and I know that those who love me will feel similarly. Hopefully that day will be celebrated for the graduation that it is with the knowledge that we will all graduate someday.

With Love,


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  • joannie January 1, 2015, 12:33 am

    You sound about where I am in thinking….

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